I am delighted to tell you that I am working with The Creative Process as Global Literary Initiatives and Germanophone Literature Advisor. We've created a new link for writers, translators, teachers, and creative thinkers. We're open to new ideas and we'd love to hear from you. If you would be interested submitting your work and participating in a brief interview, it may be included on www.creativeproces.info, shown as part of the projection elements of the traveling exhibition, and excerpted by participating literary magazines.  Submission Form · Submission Guidelines & FAQ · Submit Your Visual Artwork


What is The Creative Process?
A traveling exhibition that brings together over 100 leading writers and creative thinkers in iconic portraits and engaging interviews.The Creative Process is being exhibited in top-tier universities and selected establishments around the world. Additionally, these interviews, which explore creativity, critical thinking, and education, will be published online through a network of collaborating university and national literary magazines. As a part of our non-profit international educational initiative, we are also publishing poems, stories, essays, and creative works.



What kind of works are you looking for?
We welcome all genres and disciplines and consider previously published works. We aim for pieces which are characteristic of a writer’s voice. Favorite pieces or works that have already resonated strongly with your readers which we can share with a wider audience. Feel free to make more than one submission to show range.
When previously published, we will include the usual acknowledgments. We find publishers are happy with their author’s participation in our non-profit educational initiative.

I notice pieces are often linked to a citation by another writer. How is this chosen?
To open the conversation and celebrate the fact that writers are often “in dialog” with each other, The Creative Process chooses a citation by an interviewed writer and includes this alongside your piece. You may also suggest a citation by an author we have not interviewed.

Can I send artwork to accompany my submission?
Absolutely. Feel free to send us photos of yourself, related images, book covers, or artworks, which may accompany your piece or be used as a starting point for a new artwork/collaboration with the artist Mia Funk.

I’d like to get involved in other aspects of the traveling exhibition and educational initiative.
That’s great. There are many ways to get involved. We love social purpose partners. Let us know on the Submission or Join Us form, and we’ll send you more information.

Short films and special 4th year courses combining film and literature. One of our educational initiatives is collaborating with leading film schools, writers, and the non-profit initiative Storyvid on the creation of short films.  Participate in making a short film or have your story/poem adapted. Read more > 
Piece(s) you submit will be added to a selection of work available for adaptation. If your story is selected, you will be contacted by the participating film school, and there may be opportunities to collaborate further in the filmmaking process. When the film is made, you will be gifted with an original work on paper by Mia Funk inspired by your writing. 
Ways of Seeinga section for visual arts.
The Art of Teaching Interview
and other educational initiatives.

How should I submit audio/videos? What are you looking for? Is interpretation open?
Yes, interpretation is open. You might submit audio/video where you are reading your work, discussing your creative process, or other A/V collaborations. Some writers have a background in music or performance, and it can often be interesting to read their writing alongside other expressions of their creativity.
Video submissions should be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo (public access). Please copy and paste the link(s) into your submission form.
Audio – We support .mp3. (If you have audio in another file type and aren’t sure how to convert it, we can make the necessary conversions.)
Most smartphone recordings will automatically be compressed. For best performance, we recommend compressing your files using these specifications:
Bit Depth: 16bit / Bitrate: 128 kbps max (96 kbps for spoken word)
File Size: 160 MB or smaller. For larger files, we will link to an external host.